Thursday, January 6, 2011

Done With Round One

I'm finished with my first round of IV chemo.  It all went well except I forgot one important step.  Before I get my chemo, I have to give a urine sample so they can run a quick lab to make sure my kidneys are fully operational.  Unfortunately I have a habit of going to the bathroom immediately before appointments.  So they hooked me up to a bag of fluids and made me drink pop until I had to go.  And giving a urine sample is tricky with my disabilities so I always need help.  Fortunately I have little modesty left.

Finally once they had all the labs to show that I could take the chemo, my nurse dressed in light bio-suit wear and carefully hooked up the bag of chemo and started it.  About an hour later it finished and I had another two hours of fluids, after which I spent a long time relieving myself and went home.  Oh, and I ordered a good roast beef sandwich for lunch.

Surprisingly, I didn't get cold.  I had expected to because the fluids are usually refrigerated.  And now I know I should rest but they gave me steroids.

Posted via email from skavookie's posterous

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