Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gamma Knife

I had my gamma knife treatment today.  The halo they bolted to my skull wasn't quite like I had imagined, in good and bad ways.  The halo is there to hold my head very still and as a refrerece point.  After placing the halo they took a high-rez MRI and then they had to let the computer run numbers for an hour.  In this hour I discovered that it is extremely difficult to eat or drink with the halo on.  I had been intructed not to eat or drink at all between midnight... 

At this point in writing this, I got distraced because one of the four holes in my head that they put the bolts in started leaking a clear fluid.  By the way, I'm eating while I write.  My mother called the nurse practicitioner and she said it was almost certainly lidocane and not to worry about it.

Were was I.  Ah yes: I had been intructed not to eat or drink at all between midnight and that point, and so I was quite hungry, thisty, and had to take my pills.  With difficultly I took my pills and drank my instant breakfast.

As they were intitlizing the machine and the bed I was on started to slide in, the bed slid back, and the technicion said, "There's a little glitch in the software.  I have to restart it.".  I asked, "Windows?"  She paused and said, "Yes, the OS is Windows."

Everything else went smoothly.  Oh, and I have two band aids just above my eybrows.  }{ :)

Posted via email from skavookie's posterous

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