Thursday, December 16, 2010

As The Brain Turns (12/16/2010)

A few months ago, I had Gamma Knife for a regrowth along one of the edges of the original tumor.  In the process we learned of another small growth.  Then I took two rounds of chemo.  My latest MRI showed growth one maybe shrinking, growth two a little bigger, and it showed an entirely new growth that was quite a bit larger than the other two.  So the chemo I'm on clearly isn't working anymore.  The cancer cells have built up a tolerance.

The plan now is to Gamma Knife growths two and three (probably on the 23rd) and then switch me to a different chemo.  The chemo I'm currently on is oral five days out of 28.  The new ones will be administered by IV.  One will be every two weeks and is only a half hour infusion.  It is expected to have minimal side effects.  The other is once every four weeks and takes five hours.  My doctor described it as really toxic stuff.  Hopefully those combined with the Gamma Knife will knock in back, and hopefully I won't get to sick from the chemo.   For those interested, the IV meds are avastin and carboplatin.  One of the good things about it is they will be able to hydrate me at the same time.  One of the big problems with the chemo I'm on is that I get very dehydrated: I just can't keep fluids down.  Also they will be able to give me anti-nausea meds by IV.  Oh yah, and we get free parking if we do infusions, and I like the nurses in the infusion room.

I'll be posting sometime soon about some other changes that will affect me, but for now this is enough.

Posted via email from skavookie's posterous

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