Saturday, March 20, 2010


I occasionally get these crazy ideas. Okay, so it happens not so occasionally. This is one of them. It always starts with me thinking about something relatively mundain. In this case, dandelions. Then my mind starts poping out tangets (not the mathematical kind). Dandelions, especially Taraxacum officinale, are a non-native weed in America. They are very difficult to remove from lawns, as they grow fast, don't need polination and release hundreds of floting seed into the air. When you mowe the lawn, you know that in a day or two the lawn will be full of them again and your sure they are going to go to seed before you can do anything about it. Feeling hopeless now?

But just imagine it didn't have to be that way. Imagine a rail going around your houses eves. Riding on that rail is a camera, which is connected to a computer constantly looking for dandelion flowers in your yard. When it finds one it directs a remote controlled rover equipped with sheers to go and cut it down. Wouldn't that be great! So order an automatic DandyBegone in the next five minutes and we'll give you an extra rover free!


Michael said...

That is totally random, dude.

Anonymous said...

love it - where do I sign up?